Byron Bay Coffee Company

Our Brew Guide Aeropress

The AeroPress is a one-cup brewer that is simple, portable and lightweight. It is a straightforward and convenient way to make freshly brewed coffee whether at home, work or travelling. This oversized syringe is also inexpensive, compact and very easy to clean.

This brewing method has grown in popularity amongst coffee enthusiasts as the go-to manual extraction brewing method. It is so popular that converts from around the globe come together annually to compete in the World AeroPress Championships!

Whilst it is simple to use, there are a number of ways you can brew with the AeroPress including cold brew! But we are going to stick to the basics and provide you with a simple recipe from which you can then play around with and tweak to your liking.

AeroPress and Plunger Coffee


– AeroPress
– AeroPress paper filter
– Freshly ground coffee (medium grind & 15g per coffee cup to be prepared)
– Water
– Scales
– Timer (you can use your phone timer)
– Kettle
– Coffee cup


Step 1: Boil fresh water in kettle. If you have a temperature controlled kettle set temp at 96°C.

Step 2: Set your AeroPress to the inverted position on the scales, and have the plunger rubber sitting at #4 in the chamber.

Pouring coffee and hot water into the AeroPress

Step 3: Add 15g of freshly ground coffee into the AeroPress chamber, and start the timer.

Step 4: Pour the hot water up to #3 in the chamber, and then stir 3 times.

Stirring coffee mix inside the AeroPress

Step 5: Let the coffee brew for 30 seconds.

Step 6: Place the paper filter inside the black filter cap and carefully rinse with hot water.

Pouring hot water through a coffee paper filter, and placing the AeroPress lid over the chamber

Step 7: Pour the hot water into the top of the chamber up to #1 and screw the filter paper and cap on.

Placing the coffee cup on top of the AeroPress lid, and flipping the Aeropress upside-down

Step 8: Place the  cup over the filter cap and flip the AeroPress with a steady movement.

Pressing AeroPress to extract the coffee

Step 9: When the timer hits the 1:30 min mark, very slowly start to press down. You should be finished pressing down by the 2:30/3 min mark.



To clean, simply take off the filter cap and shoot the coffee puck and paper filter into the compost. Then rinse the AeroPress with hot water.

We recommend using our Plunger Blends and Single Origin coffee for this brew method.

If you like your coffee strong, try brewing it for a bit longer or grinding it a bit finer.