This story begins in 1989 when Annie, Franco and their children left Sydney in search of a rural lifestyle. The family headed up the coast discovering the Byron Bay hinterland. They settled onto twelve acres, transforming the land into a coffee plantation and hobby farm.
Franco started learning the art of roasting and blending, with Annie selling the beans at the local markets and taking care of sales development and administration. The business continues to grow organically, through hard work and determination to produce the best quality coffee. They no longer farm the coffee, preferring to ethically source green bean from the premium growing regions around the world.
Three decades on, they are still operating as a family business with more passion than ever to pursue the perfect cup of coffee. They have the most amazing staff that live and breathe the coffee industry and are here to help you get the most out of your coffee experience.
From the moment we get up in the morning with the sun rising, a day in the life of Byron Bay Coffee Company forms the essence of every cup of coffee. We truly believe that our environment, our people and our ethos is a partnership you will be proud to be a part of.
We acknowledge the Arakwal people of the Bundjalang Nation as the Traditional owners of country and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We extend that respect to the wider Aboriginal People of the many nations, tribes and clans throughout Australia. We pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging future leaders and commit to building a brighter future together.