Alchemy 750ml Caramel Syrup

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Alchemy 750ml Caramel Syrup


All caramels are not created equal.  Alchemy’s most popular coffee syrup has the distinctive grown up caramel flavour profile, a mile away from toppings.  Your caramel lattes, will fly out the door, and when you blend this syrup with coffee and chocolate, watch out!  Caramel is also a popular ‘Steamer’ when added just to hot milk for those poor souls who cannot drink coffee.

Alchemy’s coffee syrups are designed to perfectly complement coffee and dairy based drinks. They are Gluten free and made with all Natural Colours & Natural Flavours. This syrup is made with raw sugar and is Vegan Friendly. 100% Australian made and owned.


FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS IN AUSTRALIA FROM $70 | Due to severe weather and flooding in North QLD from Townsville, delivery delays may occur

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