Byron Bay Coffee Company

Why Coffee Prices Are Rising Globally

What’s Happening in the Coffee Market?

2024 has been a challenging year for the global coffee industry, with everything from extreme weather events to supply chain disruptions pushing green coffee bean prices to a 50-year high.

Let’s take a look at some of the main factors behind the scenes that have been driving coffee prices:


Graphic of reasons why coffee price is increasing

As we’ve seen, some of the world’s top coffee-producing countries — like Brazil, Vietnam, Ethiopia, and Colombia — have been hit hard by weather challenges.

Droughts, frosts and unpredictable rainfall have significantly reduced harvests, making it harder to source those high-quality beans we all love.

Adding to the challenge, shipping delays, rising logistics costs and a shortage of food-grade containers have put even more pressure on an already volatile market.

On top of that, inflation and currency fluctuations — particularly the weaker Aussie dollar — have driven up the cost of importing green coffee beans. Meanwhile, global demand keeps climbing, driven by emerging markets like China and a 1.1% rise in per capita consumption in Brazil (one of the world’s biggest coffee-drinking nations) in 2024.

After taking all of these challenges into account, it’s no surprise to see the graph that shows how the cost of Arabica coffee — the key ingredient in the coffees we proudly roast at Byron Bay Coffee Company — has spiked throughout 2024:


New Green Bean Prices Graph


Yes, 2024 was undeniably a challenging year for the coffee industry, with roasters and cafes worldwide striving to adapt to the aftermath of significant price surges and supply chain disruptions.

Yet, amidst these challenges, the resilience of coffee growers, roasters, cafés and everyone else in the supply chain continue to shine. Their dedication to quality and sustainability is helping the industry weather this storm.

As we move forward, there’s optimism that improving weather patterns and greater regulatory clarity will pave the way for a more stable future.